Understanding slicing in Python
Slicing in Python refers to the technique of selecting a range of elements from a sequence, such as a string, list, or tuple. Slicing is achieved by specifying a range of indices, separated by a colon, within square brackets following the sequence. Here’s the syntax for slicing: Let’s look at some examples: List of all […]
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What is the difference between @staticmethod and @classmethod in Python?
In Python, the @staticmethod and @classmethod decorators are used to defining methods within a class. The difference between these two decorators lies in the way they handle the arguments passed to them. A @staticmethod is a method that belongs to the class and does not require an instance of the class to be called. This […]
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How to access the index in ‘for’ loops
In Python, you can access the index of an element in a sequence when iterating through it using a for loop by using the built-in function enumerate(). Here’s an example: The output of the code execution is below: In the above example, enumerate() is used to iterate over the fruits list and return a tuple […]
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What are the ways to call external programs in Python
There are several ways to call external programs using Python code. Here are a few examples: The subprocess module: This module provides a way to spawn new processes, connect to their input/output/error pipes, and obtain their return codes. It is a powerful and flexible way to call external programs from Python. Here’s an example: In […]
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How do I execute a program (or) system command using Python?
You can execute a program or system command using Python by using the subprocess module. Read Also, Several ways to call external programs in Python Here is an example of how to execute a system command: In this example, the subprocess.run function is used to execute the echo program with the argument “Hello, World!”. The […]
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How do I check whether a file exists without exceptions in Python?
In Python, you can check whether a file exists without raising any exceptions by using the os.path.exists() function from the built-in os module. This function takes a file path as its argument and returns True if the file exists, and False otherwise. Here’s an example of how to use os.path.exists() to check whether a file […]
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Yes, Python has a ternary conditional operator. The ternary operator is a shorthand way of writing an if-else statement in a single line of code. The syntax for the ternary operator in Python is: Here, condition is the expression that is evaluated as either True or False. If condition is True, then the expression value_if_true […]
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What does if __name__ == “__main__”: do in Python?
The line if __name__ == “__main__”: in Python is used to check whether the current module is being run as the main program or it is being imported as a module into some other program. This is a common technique used in Python to write code that can be used both as a standalone program […]
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How to get a number as Input in Tkinter?
This Python function gets input from the user using the Tkinter input window. Ready-to-use Python function to get an Integer or Float number: Write your main code as a sample below, This is a Python function called get_number_input that accepts four parameters: header, prompt, root, and number_type. Here’s how it works: Overall, this function can […]
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How to Sync data from one folder to another
This Python function synchronizes the contents of one folder to another using the robocopy command. Ready-to-use Python function to sync data from one folder to another: Write your main code as a sample below, The output of the code is, This is a Python function called sync_folders that synchronizes the contents of two folders using […]
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