Why executable files converted from Python code is larger?

There are several reasons why executable files converted from Python can be larger in size than original source code size:

  1. Interpreted Language: Python is an interpreted language, which means that Python code is executed by an interpreter at runtime. However, when you convert a Python script into an executable package, the Python interpreter is typically included in the resulting file. This increases the size of the file.
  2. Dependencies: Executable packages often include additional resources and dependencies, such as external libraries or data files. These resources and dependencies are included in the executable package, which can increase the size of the file.
  3. Metadata: Python scripts are often relatively small, and may only consist of a few lines of code. However, when you convert a Python script into an executable package, the resulting file includes a lot of additional metadata and executable code that is required for the package to run correctly. This additional code and metadata can increase the size of the file.

It’s worth noting that the size of an executable package can vary depending on how it is created and what options are used. Some tools may be able to produce smaller executable packages by stripping out unnecessary code or compressing the resulting file. The tools may have featured to include/exclude the Python modules which may help to reduce the file size significantly.

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